Lunes, Oktubre 2, 2023

I was born a Red October


I was born on the second of October
like Mahatma Gandhi, actor Benjie Paras
classmate Angelo Arvisu, singer Sting
chess grandmaster Jonathan Spillman

a Libra who fight for social change
a writer who write in progressive page
a proletarian poet in politics engage
that in exploitative system feel rage
an activist who read Marx, the sage

I was born a Red October
I was born when French painter, chess
player and writer Marcel Duchamp died
I was born when protesting students
were killed by government forces in what
was known as the Tlatelolco massacre
I was born to continue their struggle
and the struggle of the working class

that's why I am an Spartan activist
that's why I am an environmental advocate
that's why I am a human rights defender
that's why I am a proletarian writer and poet
that's why I am and will always be
a Red October

- gregoriovbituinjr.

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